Explore our musical workshops

At Southern Music Project, we provide more than just music lessons. We also provide a range of bespoke workshops tailored to your event. Whether you’re after Halloween themed workshops, Sea Shanty fun and creative storytelling through music, let us work together to build a workshop just for you. We’ve worked previously with schools, libraries, community centres, care homes, local businesses as well as Brownie and Scout groups.

Half day workshops

Our half day workshops typically run for 2-3 hours. We recommend these for up to 20 people. These can be great for younger children to have a go at a range of instruments during a group setting.

Often incorporating a story specific to your event to be played out by music, these workshops act as the perfect creative outlet. Workshops often end with a mini performance at the end of the session to showcase what students have learnt to parents and guardians before heading home.

Full day workshops

Our full day workshops typically run for 3-4 hours and can cover a whole range of musical activities. These are ideal for up to 30 people.

Groups are often split up into two so that they can work on different elements. Then for the afternoon, the groups can join together and perform what they’ve learnt during the workshop. This can be ideal for older children and adults.

We often collaborate with some of our partners for full day workshops, and can theme them around your event.

Mini workshops

Not sure if a workshop is quite what you’re after? We also offer smaller 30min-1 hour sessions.

These can be a lovely way to incorporate a mini music sessions either as a one off, or these can be made as a series of mini sessions.

These are ideal for slightly smaller groups of up to 15 people per session, and who want to focus on one area of music eg Samba drums, pBuzzes or Ukuleles to name a few.

Check out some of our previous workshops

Berewood Workshop - Grainger Homes

We’ve had the pleasure of providing two workshops for Grainger Homes at the Newlands Community Centre.

Our first workshop was a collaboration with the Royal Marines Band’s Service. The session included both drumming and pBuzzes, along with some marching. Check out the video to see more.

Over Feburary Half Term, we were invited back to Newlands to host a story based workshop using a variety of instruments including shakers, drums, keyboard, pBuzzes, ukuleles and more!

Library Workshops - Havant Borough Council

We’ve had some fun providing several workshops at both Havant and Leigh Park libraries!

Including spooky Halloween sessions, learn to play events and musical story performances, we are provide to offer such fun events for free thanks to Havant Borough Council.

We are excited to announce we are currently planning an Easter workshop so keep an eye on our ‘What’s on’ Page to find out more.

Denmead Brownies and Denmead Cubs & Scouts

We had fun delivering workshops for our local Borwnies and Scouts groups. For the Brownies, we’ve held two workshops. One being pBuzz workshop, and the other focusing around singing and musical theatre.

For the Cubs & Scouts, our Brass teacher had fun providing a brass themed assembly when scouts got to learn more about the Brass family and how to sign up for lessons.

Half Term Holiday Club - Farlington Wrap

Forming part of a wider programme for during the school holidays, we have been able to provide some fun musical themed sessions for lots of smaller groups to give students a fun creative activity to do during the school holidays. Sessions have included a variety of instruments.